The Wonders of Glass

Inspiration comes in unusual forms. My interest in photographing glass emerged from a photograph I took at a flea market in Bell Town, an urban space, in Seattle, Washington. While in search of a cup of coffee in Bell Town, my husband Phil and I spotted an outdoor flea market. This market was a photographer’s paradise: interesting wares; a large wall with an accompanying mural; fascinating visitors. My shots were quick as I captured the feel of the market, its activities, and its visitors. One seller offered green and blue glass displayed on a card table covered with a lime green tablecloth.

Several months later I woke up in the middle of the night thinking of the photo I shot of the glassware; I remembered those lovely blues and greens glistening in the sunlight. I imagined myself trying to capture the magic of glass by playing with its colors and shapes, as well as depicting it straight on. 

I started looking for pieces of glass. I placed a $5 limit on each piece I bought. Since I made that decision to photograph glass, I have sought man-made and natural settings for each piece. Below are some of my favorite images.